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Dear Prospective Students,


I will never forget the words of Swami Vivekananda:


“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.”


Each of you stands on the threshold of an institution that will help you lay the foundation of your own life. Life provides many opportunities if you are awake to them where you too can have ‘daring adventure’ and, because of that, make a real difference to the world. The B.Ed. programme of two years at V. K. JAIN College of Education, Kasganj, which is affiliated from RMPSSU, Aligarh and recognised by NCTE is planned meticulously to develop a well-rounded personality, interpersonal skills, and develop a familiarity with IT tools these along with academic inputs are the requirements for a great teaching career.


We provide opportunity of B. Com. & D. El. Ed. Programs.


Wish you a every Success,
Vinay K. Jain